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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Shopping - How i detest it!

I have always been of those people who will go shopping only if I know where what i want is available, and go to that particular shop, and pay for it and come back. And there was no exception to the rule, be it clothes, cosmetics, electronics or even gorcery. No looking around in other shops or do the "window" shopping. And more so I will go to a mall only when I know I have to buy something, else...why should anyone in their right minds go to a mall...WHY...

Now this is how I had known myself to be...untill I discovered the joy of decorating one's's one form of expressing oneself that is so different and is not bound by rules, punctuation marks, syntax rules and what have you. You have the run of the house, you can pick the hue you want, the design you think will soothe you, the texture you think will feel good and just run amok with ideas and vissions.

Now I see myself looking at catalogues of furniture stores, kitchen supplies, furnishings and all that jazz...and I am really lookign forward to window shop!!! Is this really me...or am I being overtaken by a force I dont reckon, but it is over-powering me...

Naeh, relax now...nothing like that is happening to me, I realise that the only kind of shopping I like is the "art" kind, where in I can mix and match my ideas, pick up different colors, where i can let my heart rule over my brain ...

I am super excited that I will be going this weekend to look for furniture, kitchen ware...god bless my wallet!


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    the worlds biggest and most indulged in "recreational activity"!!! A recreational activity of psychological interest. An activity which involves selection and purchase!!!

    hahaha... yes we're talking about shopping.! Have fun doing the bag deed!

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    maggie u ain't stingy anymore...we shud all thank gourav...just kidding!!! welll i guess spending makes ppl feel good...for some it is kitchen-ware; for some it is u always used to say - different strokes for different folks. question is how different are we? the basic instincts are the do not worry...u and all of us are the same and yeah, mercy on ur wallet!!!
