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Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, it's a well known fact that I am a little loopy in the head ;)

Now that we have that said and done with, here's one more thing to add to the looney tunes.

I have never really liked the month of August, just never cared for it for any reason. Never wanted to acknowledge it, never on the list of when things will happen or get done. Just NEVER. It's not without reason though. August has not been a very happy month in my family. There have been many tragedies in this month. When August roles by, everyone in my family is praying silently that nothing untoward happens.

Now two years back, things changed, out of nowhere!!!

I graduated in August, landed my first job is August and Gourav and I got married in August :) Now I just wait for this time of the year, the heat is lessening, the rains are here, it's also the time when work is not crazy, we start planning fun things to do when fall rolls by, it's the time when parents are visiting, people are graduating, weddings are happening.

Maybe it's because I am turning more into the 'glass is half full' person or maybe being not in India and away from a lot of the family makes me see things differently, maybe this August has so far been great! Whatever it is, I don't hate you anymore Augustus, don't give me reason to :)


  1. My August this year is not bad...but a few of my friends are not having just seems to me that 2008 for me as well as for ppl around me is not fun...i wish it would end soon before anyone else also suffers...i cant take it!!!!!

    I am glad that u have finally fallen in love with Augustus...

  2. @ Anu,

    I know what you mean. I am glad there isn't much left of it. :)
